Monday, October 24, 2005

PK 2005 - Day 1


We went down to Denver (thanks Mike!) and had a great time. The first morning, at 0730L, we met at the church. Everyone packed the two vans we used, we prayed and then Pastor Jeff told everyone to use the facilities if they needed to. Only one of us, Phil, decided to take the pastor up on his offer. For that, he got left at the church. That would be funny enough on it's own, but, we even took a head count to make sure we weren't leaving anyone behind. I won't mention that Phil was in the van driven by Pastor Jeff. So, we got a mile or two away when Pastor Jeff received the call that he needed to go back to church and pick Phil up.

We pit-stopped in Lusk for gas and then headed to Cheyenne, where we stopped for lunch. I called my buddy Chad, who lives in Cheyenne, and told him I was there and would only be there for about half an hour to an hour. Luckily, he was just a few miles away and was able to stop in at the resteraunt (Flying J). We had a good reunion and after it was over, we (the PK travelers) proceeded down the highway to Denver.

We checked into our hotel around 1530L or so and proceeded to our rooms. We got settled in (I roomed with Bob) and hung out until around 1700L. We then left the hotel and found the Pepsi Center. It was an awesome sight to see 12,000 men gathered in one spot. Especially since most of the men were there to worship God. 280 men came to Christ that first night. God is indeed wonderful. The first night was an awesome time of corporate worship, praise and repentance. What more could you really ask for?

Well, that is the hi-light for the first night. When I get time I will post Day 2.


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Promise Keepers 2005

I will be going to the PK2005 ( event at Denver's Pepsi Center! We (First Assembly of God in Rapid City - will be leaving bright and early tomorrow (Friday, 21 Oct 2005). I can't wait. This will be the first outing that I've had with this church, so I am quite excited about the whole event. There are a lot of really interesting characters at this church, so fun and laughs should be abundant!

Now, on a more serious note, I am looking forward to this event simply because I am looking forward to a move of God. My spiritual life has been so dry and dusty lately that I need the Spirit to rain down on me. Lord, revive me! Amen!

If I can, I will update this blog (even though no one really knows about it yet) while in Denver. If not, I'll update it when I get back.



Since this is my first blogging attempt, I thought I'd welcome you all! My desire is to put my thoughts on the web (just like every other blogger out there, I know). Since my interests lie in several areas, I will be laying down my thoughts on a lot of different subjects and themes. My only true hope is that someone, somewhere will find my blog interesting, informative or funny.

If you want to catch up to me, you can usually find me hanging out over at It is one of the most helpful Linux sites out there. So, if you are interested in Linux or Open Source Software, give us a shot. You won't likely be disappointed.
