Thursday, September 25, 2008

Never Use Old Technology!

I have just recently run into a problem that has me very unhappy. Before I continue with the rant, let me say that my lack of happiness isn't a major concern for other people. I'm fine with that, I understand that. No big deal. It is what it is. Anyway...

I have about a dozen or so document fragments that I wrote using MS Works 4.x. My version of Word doesn't play nice with that format. I don't know why. What I do know is that it is frustrating. I've downloaded half a dozen programs that are supposed to help out. So far, nothing has worked. I haven't run through each program yet and I did download and install two new programs today, so we'll see what happens. I am hopeful that I will be able to open each file, extact the data, and move on. Otherwise, I will have to extract what I can (Notepad opens them but with a lot of formatting issues, strange characters, and some of the text is missing) and hope that I've been able to capture the best of what I have written.

Here is to another night of frustration...

Update: Microsoft has a conversion tool that integrates with Word 2003 that worked just swimmingly. I now have all of my writings in either rtf or doc formats. Yeah for Jim!

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