Wednesday, August 08, 2007

And We're Off!

We are going to be leaving in a few moments for Ohio/Mississippi. Yeah...a fun several days of travel!


And We're Off!

We are going to be leaving in a few moments for Ohio/Mississippi. Yeah...a fun several days of travel!


Monday, August 06, 2007

Out of the Mouth of Babes....

In the "Out of the Mouth of Babes" category, we are presented with the following: Upon seeing how Ben's wife in The Fantastic Four turned and ran when she saw him as Thing, my five year old proclaimed: "He needs a family!". Boy, she sure cut to the very essence of the problem. Wow.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Bourne Ultimatum

Went with the wife to see Bourne Ultimatum...boy, I don't know what to say. So, I'll give my impressions:

1. The photography sucked! There were several scenes that would have been awesome had they been filmed normally. To say the least, we got a bit motion sick because of the movie.

2. For a film that was supposed to close the series out, it sure didn't tie up any loose ends or answer any real questions.

Oh well, since I wasn't the one directing or producing the film I can't get too out-of-sorts about it. I guess I'll have to read the books, eh?


Friday, August 03, 2007


One area that I've been struggling with is what direction my life should take. I only have three more years before I am eligible to retire and I really need to start finding what direction to press toward. So many ideas, so few opportunities to press forward.

1. I would like to become a minister. Unfortunately, I want to assist people in developing countries to get out of poverty and hear (see) the love of Christ. I say unfortunately because it seems to be a difficult challenge.

2. I would like to be a special education teacher. Specifically, teaching high-functioning autistic children and Down's Syndrome children. They give a lot of "bang for the buck" when teaching them. They are truly God's children.

3. I would like to be a full-time Royal Ranger Commander...think paid ministry, church/district staff. It's way too awesome watching young boys blossom and really find out who they are in Christ.

4. I would like to help marriages and families better understand each other. Of course, I haven't the least clue about how to make it all work...but God does and that's enough for me right now. Lord knows I have a hard time living that last statement.

Anyway, my action plan is to do the following:

1. Humble myself before my God by
a. Surrendering to Him all of my desires.
b. Submitting to His plan and will for my life.

2. Take up my cross daily and follow Him.

3. Rinse and Repeat. Daily.


That Peculiar Wow Factor

As of late I have become quite the Casting Crowns junkie. I can't seem to stop listening to them. I have one of their live CDs playing in my truck, one of their CDs is in the stereo in the kitchen, and we are watching their live DVD right now. Yup, a junkie I is. I've even sent an email to Hills Alive and asked them to consider including them next year. Of course, I doubt I'll still be here in America next July, but as only God knows...blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Now, back to the title. I was reading a post about Casting Crowns and came upon this quote by Mark Hall, lead singer and songwriter for Casting Crowns: "He says along the way to becoming more like Jesus some of us are going to become youth pastors, some writers, another a farmer but that none of that was why we were born. “You were born to be like Jesus and to bring him glory.” " The italic and bold fonts were added by me.

Wow. Brings things into focus, doesn't it? I wish I had that type of faith and that type of focus.

As an aside, I want to go on a short term mission trip. I'd like to learn Swahili and go to Eastern Africa. Not certain if that is my flesh or if that is the direction that God is pulling me toward. Pray for God to provide an opportunity for me in the next year or so and then to provide the faith and the finances for it. In fact, not only for me but also for Christina...she'd really like to go to but feels a lot like so many things take a backburner to me and my desires.


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Still Yuck, Just Not So Much

Well, I went to the clinic and got seen by a PA. Got sent home to take some medicine, fluids, and a little rest. Seems I have a viral infection. Now honestly, I didn't need to go to the clinic to be told that. I was pretty certain that is what I had. Oh well, such is life. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Selah.


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Still Yuck!

The pain is interesting, to say the least. I walk up the stairs like a man twice my age. That isn't very fun. I haven't had an illness that focused its energies on my joints and muscles. The wow factor is incredible. I have an appointment in the morning, hopefully they will have a clue. Probably not...who knows?


I've contracted some kind of illness. For the last nearly three days I've had fever, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, and a headache. None of these symptoms have gone away. Oh, sure, a couple will diminish in intensity here and there, but, they don't really go away. This is pathetic.

I called our clinic but was told to call back tomorrow if I wanted an appointment since all the appointment slots were filled. Yippee. I love our new medical HMO at its absolute worst.

Well, here is to another day of being ill.
